Sunday 28 November 2010

Short Days

Here we are well into winter and it has dropped so very early this year. Keeping the chickens water from turning into concrete ice is a constant struggle especially seeing as its been below freezing for the best part of a week with a temp of -7 last night! The chooks seem indifferent to it all aprt from loving warm vegtable peelings being given to them daily which turns into mayhem when put into their run.

I worked as a recovery driver for a few months which was a really interesting job. Its amazing how daft folk can be when it comes to not knowing a thing about their cars!!! The problem with the job was the ridiculus "on call" hours which came in at 60 hours over a weekend if you were on. This led to no life or time with the family so I found another job and handed in my notice.

I thought it prudent to have 2 weeks off between leaving one job and starting another as there was so much work to do within the house which all got done in a week or so. Then I got the call saying my new job had been put on hold due to government cut backs so I am once again hunting around for work.

So other than christmas preperations which are all done anyway (how smug am I!) and the snow on the ground which stops me from doing anything outside its all rather dull! I am considering retraining into something health care based so thats being looked into and a new direction in my work outlook.