Friday 6 May 2011

OK then I admit I'm a bit scared.

Been a funny couple of days. Firstly I have been offered a few months work driving through an agency which is great. Its for a "high end" kitchen company delivering their wears so all in all should not be too bad. Theres a weeks worth of training so I presume they are very customer focused!

Now driving is not my first choice as I had a couple of years driving an artic but didnt like it that much as its such a lonely existance but beggers cannot be choosers eh!

Now today I have been to the doctors because for the last few weeks I have been having chest pains that end up down my left arm and heading up into my jaw. Turns out I have slighty high blood pressure and have been reffered to a cardiac clinic as an urgent appointment due to the amount of heart problems in my family.

The barrage of tests the clinic want to run is daunting to say the least and the fact Im the grand old age of 37 scares me more because lets face it im not old! So first things first...I HAVE TO STOP SMOKING and loose some weight (i've got a little tubby over the winter and not working alot) and I have to admit Im a bit scared about all this. We stumble along on a daily basis wrapped up in our little problems and then something like this comes along and whacks you out of the blue. I mean this is me! This sort of stuff happens to ther folk not me!

Im starting to think I may not be either indestructable or immortal anymore....

Monday 2 May 2011

Well yet another update. Theres not been a great deal going on hence why not alot posted from me. I applied for a job as a transport manager and ended back for a second interview which was looking promising as there were only two of us left at this point.
After an hours grilling I took my leave and was called later in the week to be told that neither me or the other chap got the job as we were "overqualified".

What a load of crap that is! Surely they would have known we were both overqualified from our CV's before the interview process had started?! But hey ho its all done so the job hunt continuies in vain. The rate the work is coming through I may be better off starting up my own business again because if I put this much work looking for work into it it should take off pretty quickly!

I suppose I should mention the royal wedding. There you go thats done then.

My neighbours are driving me mad, well their kids are, when they are out in the garden daily. The noise is unreal honestly so you have to close the windows to block it out. We are now activily looking for a new house because I am not spending another summer listening to those animals.

So as I said at the start theres nothing of real interest going on....hang on ive just turned the news on.

Looks like Bin Ladens been killed overnight. Good show at least thats only taken 10 years to do and I bet his followers are not dancing in the streets now are they?????

Im sure it wont take long for another attack to happen now and some other nutjob to take over his place.