Thursday 10 September 2009

Pish & nonsense!!!!!!!!!

There I was first thing this morning enjoying my first brew of the day, you know the one that quenches your thirst the most as no other does all day long, when up pops on the news a specialist who has now declared that sleeping with your partner is bad for your health! As we all toss and turn as well as pinching the duvet during the night we should now sleepp in seperate beds so we can live just a little longer. What a load of crap!
What do they think will happen? Will we all rush out and buy up single beds creating a glut of doubles that are no longer wanted? Of course not. Do you remember when you were in your late teens and you had your new partner over to stay for the first time? We always squeezed into a single bed for the whole night :) Now of course you wouldnt want to do that on a daily basis and of course the novelty of being crammed together does wear off in time but apperently the average double bed isnt enough for two.

I have a far easier solution if you are not enjoying a double bed, I have used this one myself and I can assure you it works, BUY A KING SIZE BED!!!

A fun trip to the dentist this morning to have a scrape and polish....I hate paying for torture and the invasion of other peoples fingers wrapped in rubber probing the depths of my mouth is beyound takes all my strength not to throw up in the chair :) Then of course there are the patronising comments and info of " Dont eat too many sweets" "You shouldnt smoke it stains your teeth" well I do bloody smoke and I pay you a fortune to polish my bloody teeth so get on with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The best line of all was upon leaving..."I want to see you again in six months" I want a Ferrari but that isnt going to happen either! So now I have two days of pain whilst my poor gums get over the pasting they have taken...

Theres alot to be said for the posiitive side of tartar LOL

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