Tuesday 10 February 2009

Getting Tubby

Now with all of this sitting around over the colder months due to a serious shortage on the work side I, with horror, have weighed myself and in no uncertain terms I have become tubby. This is not a unusal event for winter but I do hate it!! I am not an overly vain person but extra weight makes me feel slow and uncomfortable so its time to cut out the biscuits and crisps (I have been eating far too many) and take the dog on longer walks, I have been a bit sloppy in this aspect as well lately, in order to lose about a stone. Its never a problem after spring arrives as Im back into active mode outside working and playing on the allotment. Still it wont hurt to get a headstart this year and it will get me out of the house which always ends getting me into cant be arsed mode and reaching for another snack.

The tickets are booked and the dates confirmed. I am back out to Spain for the first two weeks of April and cannot wait for it. The first few days will involve alcohol with my father in law then I will be left to look after his dogs and house sit. Its a shame wifey wont be coming but we cant afford the extra tickets at the moment so will make another trip later in the summer which will give us something else to look forward to. It will be 20 months since I have been back to southern Spain and it will be nice to catch up with friends who are still out there.

Now I chuckled to myself earlier in the week looking at Facebook. I enjoy forums on things that interest me but Facebook never really has and I was made to open an account by wifey and friends, not that it gets used a great deal just endless emails about rubbish really. The chuckling was caused by photos that have been uploaded by my younger sisters and their friends. I am sure they all think they are models LOL The bloody ridiculus pouts and poses that they all seem to do when they realise a camera is pointed there way are comical!!! They look like a PG Tips Chimps party most of the time but must think they look fantastic as they put these monkey shots on the web for all to see and then comment on each others saying how lovely they look LMAO.
Status updates...now what the hell is all that about??? Coded messages about what clothes you are going to where, whos the bitch for this hour and what colour your dump was 5 minutes after you've taken it!???? I must be seriously out of touch because when I wanted to talk to a mate I would go around to see him or give him a ring?! Must be getting on in my head you know.

Ive got some work lined up, not alot but every little helps. All I need is for this snow to melt and a few dry days to put some money in the bank. The sharks have started circulating again after money for adverts so thats a sure sign that spring is on the way again. It will only be a few more weeks before I am planting flower seeds ready for the onslaught of hanging baskets and bed work.

Have you ever driven a Transit in the snow? Now thats an experience that must be had by all :) As long as you dont expect to go in the direction you want everything is ok. Parked cars and oncoming is all fair game to the transit it cares not which it heads for with its rear wheel drive LOL Its like driving an old Capri in the wet, always make sure you bring a spare pair of pants with you!

I've just got off of the phone with my youngest brother who lives in Dublin. Now he is living his life his way. Hes always loved playing his guitar and singing and he has made a living out of this now for over 2 years!! Good on him. He had a dream chased it and succeded. He has just moved in with ihis girlfriend and is setting up his own recording studio so he can expand in what he loves...music. Not just his own music but everyone elses as well. I am extremely proud of him and a little envious of the path he has chosen and has won. He works hard in a job that he loves but best of all earns money from his passion. I am sure there a very few of us that can say the same.

Anyway enough rambling for tonight. Im going to make a cup of tea and then head for bed.

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